Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Why Do People Care?

But the sign says it all in my opinion... quit worrying about what goes on in another nigga's bedroom...
Ya'll be easy...
Thursday, May 21, 2009
When I was younger, I was always fighting... I got in at least two fights everyday... one at school, one in the neighborhood when I got home from school... all because motherfuckers decided to pop shit or put their hands on me... that's all it took... when you're younger, that shit is semi-accepatable... shit, it's almost expected... somebody says something you don't like or gives you that cetain look with their chest all puffed out and you have to put that nigga down... period... eventually, somebody would break ya'll up, your moms would make you apologize, you mumble some shit that sounds like "I'm sorry" and that's the end of it... nowadays, people are killing other motherfuckers for bumping into them at the bank and shit... all sensitive and whatnot...
I always said that if I have sons, I fully expect them to at least KNOW HOW to fight... I'm not saying they gotta go out and bully people but I don't want them to be the dude always running away from the fight or the one always coming home with his shirt ripped up... but I can't even do that because they could end up getting killed over some nonsense that wasn't even worth it...
But I digress... at my age, is there really an excuse for fighting another grown ass person...? I know somedays I think about it... a nigga talkin' too much in class or a dude gives me that wrong look (I'm a hood dude, what can I say...? It's in our blood... LOL) and I just want to step to him and ask "ayo, what the fuck are you lookin' at?"
I don't know... just some shit that's going through my head...
Ya'll be easy...
This Summer Shit is for the Birds...
However, that's not really happening... granted, I do have a room to myself and only really know one person here on campus but you would still think that people would be more easy going... I guess I'm just expecting too much...
My classes seem like they're going to be easy as hell though, so that's always a good thing... guess I should just get crackin' on the 360... however, I must speak on my psych class... first off, my teacher is dumb as fuck... her answer to every question is "I don't know but I'll look it up for you and find the answer..." it's the first week, B!! Are we really supposed to be perplexing you like this? LOL... I could see if it's towards the end of the semester and we've developed enough to ask you some really complex things but people are askin' simple ass shit...
But as dumb as she is, she's not as annoying as this other nigga in my class who won't shut the fuck up... this dude stays making wild random comments that don't have shit to do with anything in an attempt to seem like the smartest dude in the class... you know... that one overachieving ass motherfucker who feels like he's gotta show everybody just how much he knows... miss me with that shit...
Everything else is cool though, I guess... I'm not complaining... at least I'm not trying to...
Ya'll be easy...
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009
I Couldn't Even Be Mad at This...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Flash Forward
This show looks dope as fuck… here’s the details of the plot: “A mysterious global event causes everyone to black out simultaneously for two minutes and seventeen seconds, and each person sees a glimpse of their lives six months from now. When they wake up, everyone is left wondering if what they saw will actually happen.”
Maybe it's just me, but that sounds like a dope ass premise... can't wait for the fall...
Wolf vs. Pig
Teen Sexting...
Last Night in Durham...
We literally argued from the time I woke up until about 6 PM... LOL... we're good now though...
But after 47 or so arguments today, we finally decided to be easy...
But I took this one after she passed out... peep the new Blackberry Curve she got today (she said I pissed her off, so she went and got a new phone... REALLLLY? How you gonna blame your spending habits on me? LOL)
I can never make it to bed before 4 A.M. I swear... well at least when I'm not doing something the next day... but I can count at least a dozen times when me and Darren stayed up til' damn near five in the morning some nights only to wake up four hours later...
So, we decided to make strawberry cupcakes tonight with cream cheese frosting...
But for some reason, the thought never crossed our minds that we have 24 cupcakes here... LOL... ridiculousness is what that is... I guess we'll have to give a few away because there's no way either of us is eating that many...
So before she fell asleep, Nicole told me not to eat any more of those cupcakes we'd made (I'd already had two...) but you know what...? Your boy Hard Work took another anyway 'cuz I'm a G like that...
So like I've mentioned recently, I'm pretty new to the whole alcohol game (I swear I only drink with Cole and Jamal) and so far, I've really only had Hennessey and Seagram's... tonight, we got some Bacardi Puerto Rican rum... yo, this shit was maaaaaaaadddddddd strong... non-fiction... I mixed it with some fruit punch and I couldn't even taste the damn punch... LOL... it tasted like straight rum without the burn... it did its job though... I was on lean for a little bit...
Then I spent the rest of the night here...
Not as exciting as most other people's Saturday night, I'm sure, but it was good enough for me...
Money Can't Buy You Style...

Btw, I don't know who this is...

But she is looking RIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT in these WNBA Draft photos...
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Double-You-Tee-Eff #45
I wish a motherfucker would... this is another thing that concerns me about having children... I'm scared that some person is going to do something crazy to them and I'm going to have to kill them... to keep it non-fiction, this man would be dead... period... I don't give a flying fuck WHO YOU ARE... putting hands on my children (or my family period) is a sure way to a quick and painful death... it's one thing if it's two kids fighting... kids will be kids and fighting will happen... I've gotten in a million fights in my life...
But if an adult decides he's going to take it upon himself to forcefully impart violence onto my offspring, he's going to die... PERIOD... I don't need to press charges because that's just going to be some little bullshit ass sentence and then five years later, he'll be right back to kicking kids... this child was 5, B!!
OOH, I WISH A MOTHERFUCKER WOULD PUT HANDS ON MY CHILD... I might have to rethink this kid thing... I'm seriously concerned that I'd end up in prison behind that shit... even though, they'd never find the body... I know what to do with a dead body...
Ya'll be easy...
Double-You-Tee-Eff #44
I don't even know what to say about this... just click the link... I can't speak on it without getting angry and after all this arguing between me and the wife, I don't feel like getting angry again...