Monday, November 30, 2009
New Chi-City...
And this year, he's been doing something called "Make a Difference Monday" where he's just been doing charitable things for the people in his community... peep the first two:
What's Good Blogfam?
However, on December 31st, I will be making my very last appearance here on Where the World Goes When I Close My Eyes... I've loved every moment of this blog and seeing as how I just went over 20,000 hits in just a little under a year, you all seem to have loved it as well... but at some point, you gotta know when to just let things die...
That being said, on 01.11.10 (my 25th birthday) I will debuting an entirely new site and of course, you're all invited...
It'll be a little different from this particular blog but your boy Hard Work will still be doing everything he can to make you laugh, keep you informed and keep you thinking... so don't weep for this site... just consider it HW Verson 1.0... I promise HW 2.0 will be so much better... in any event, that's all the news from me for the day... I might post up some things later on but if not, keep checking back because things are bound to pop off soon... ya'll be easy!!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Random Question...
Another Poster? Damn... That's Like Five Already This Season...
My son Ty Lawson went HAM on NT's favorite player... SMH
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
My Early Vote for Dunk of the Year
Good Lord... Anderson Varejao, your lane pass has been revoked, my nigga...
More hoodRAT Fuckery...
Why do females get in a dude's face, asking, BEGGING to be hit but when the dude does it, that's when she wants to get mad and people talk about how wrong he is? Now, like I've said many times before, I don't condone domestic abuse... if a guy comes home and beats his wife/girl everyday when she hasn't done anything wrong, then that's a problem and he should have his ass whupped mercilessly... HOWEVER, I want women to stop acting like they had NO INFLUENCE WHATSOEVER when a man decided to just haul off and hit your ass (back) one day... and I already know the looks and comments I'm going to get from people on this particular post but in my eyes, the female started it... she threw the first punch... now did homie have to slam her? Of course not... but let's be honest, dude could've done way more damage if he really wanted to...
My point is this: your words have way more power than you think... asking somebody to hit you while invading their personal space and maintaining an air of ignorance and general hoodRAT fuckery is an assured way to get knocked on your ass... stop acting so innocent and like you didn't do or say anything that warranted a dude going Money Mayweather on your temples...
And I'm not gonna act like dude wasn't in the wrong because he was... but that's only because he struck another human being... not because he struck a woman... nobody should ever hit anybody but if somebody puts hands on you, whether male, female or animal, their rights to a non-violent confrontation are no longer valid... period... so if you don't want somebody to practice UFC moves on you, keep your level of ignorance to a minimum...
The Swag of This Dude is Unparalleled...
My dude was acting like he was Chuck Norris or some shit... I mean the director didn't even try to make this fighting look realistic... I didn't lose it until homie started kicking those burlap sacks though...
This Shit is Corny...
If you can't tell by now, I'm a hood dude... born and raised on a block that's known for crack sales, gun violence, et cetera, et cetera... however, one thing I am not is a fucking hoodRAT (yes the term applies to men as well...) and I generally don't have anything against hoodRATS simply because for the most part, they don't know any better...
Which brings me to the video above... at what point do hoodRAT things become a thing of the past? With me, I think it's 17... when you can be legally charged for dumb shit is when you should stop doing it... the last time I got in a fight, I was 16 years old... this dude had been talking wild reckless to this girl I was tryna smash so I had to go upside his head... that's neither here nor there... the point I'm making is, after your 18th birthday, there's no excuse for fighting somebody you don't know... especially out in public... I mean what is the point? What could a person you don't know POSSIBLY do or say to you that you'll continue to fight them after the police has shown up? And not to be sexist, but it's usually females that are dealing in this type of behavior... and I just don't understand the point...
And don't get me wrong, I'm still a man... so I love a good chick fight... LOL... but I'm just sayin'...
10 Most Annoying Text-Habits
Unless you’re living a seriously alternative lifestyle, you’ve probably been communicating via text for a while now. You text your friends, your boyfriend(s) — even your parents. It’s quick, convenient, and usually makes your life a helluva lot more pleasant...except when you come face to face with the 10 worst texting offenses in the world. Check ’em out below, plus some advice on how to stop offenders in their tracks.
1. The Mass Text
It’s Friday night, you’re at home on the couch, and you get a text that goes something like this: “What are you getting into tonight?” You know for a fact that this very same text just went out to 20 other people at exactly the same time, and that the sender is just waiting to receive all his/her options before deciding what to do. So what if the only thing you have planned for the night is that lame-ass (but sooo good) Lifetime movie at 11? You refuse to hang out with someone unless they make specific plans to hang out with you. You know how you can block those newsletters that you never signed up for by sending an e-mail with “unsubscribe” in the body? We suggest doing the same thing in a reply-text.
2. The Texting Cult
There is always at least one point in the night — a lull in the conversation, a pause between thoughts — when it gets really quiet, and you look around and realize that all your friends are busy texting. One person pulls out her iPhone while everyone else is looking at the dinner bill, and then someone else starts doing it, and before you know it, you’re in the middle of the sacred circle of text. Resist the urge to choose some random person in your contacts to send a useless message to. Instead, pull out your phone and send a text to everyone at the table asking, “Should we order another drink?” It will make everyone laugh but also point out the silliness of the situation.
3. The Double Message
Of course you screen calls. Everyone does. Sometimes you’re in the middle of something and sometimes you just don’t feel like talking. But your phone is still working, and you see the missed call and the voice message alert. So why — why?! — do certain people feel the need to send a text letting you know that they just left a message? Don’t they realize that if someone is smart enough to read a text, they’re also capable of understanding what the little bobble head with the sound waves coming out of him symbolizes? Text back, “What’s next, a carrier pigeon?”
4. The Texting Tease
You’re seeing a really cute/smart/funny/cool new guy, and your heart skips a tiny beat every time you get a text from him. In the middle of the week, you get one asking what you’re up to this weekend. Assuming he wants to do something together, you let him know that it’s looking pretty relaxed so far. Does he then proceed to make a plan with you? No. He responds, “Oh okay, cool.” You stand there with a perplexed look on your face. Respond “Yeah, but call my secretary if you want to schedule something.” This way, the ball is in his court, but ultimately you’re the one who is in charge, thanks to your confident attitude.
5. The Bulk Texter
An example of what a series of texts from this person might look like:
Text 1: Hey!
Text 2: What’s up?
Text 3: What are you doing tonight?
Text 4: Some of us are going to Cool People Bar tonight.
Text 5: Around 10
Text 6: It’s gonna be me and Chris
Text 7: Are you coming?
Text 8: Let us know
Text 9: Byeee!
Text 10: lolz
An example of what that exchange should look like:
Text 1: Hey, Chris and I are going to Cool People Bar around 10 tonight. Let us know if you wanna come.
An example of what you could text back:
Text 1: Please
Text 2: never
Text 3: text
Text 4: me
Text 5: this
Text 6: way
Text 7: again.
(one-minute pause)
Text 8: For “realz.”
6. The Bored Texter
You’ve just finished a sufficiently long and entertaining texting exchange with someone, and now you’re ready to put your phone down for a little while. But your phone dings, and it’s another text from said person. It looks like this: “Soooo...” Or, “What upppp.” Or, “la la la...” Clearly, they have nothing else to say and just want something to do. Send a text saying, “Running, watching movies, reading books, baking.” Your buddy will get the point that some people actually have a life.
7. The Show-and-Teller
Love is wonderful. We’re huge advocates of love and being in love and enjoying that love. People gushing on and on about their amazing love life? Not so much. Not only do you have to listen to them tell every insignificant story about how cute it was that their boyfriends ate pancakes for dinner and woke up with a funny hairdo, but you also have to read all of their SUPER-cute texts. “Guys, look what he wrote to me! Omg look at what he said now! Haha aww, look at this one!!” The cure? A dose of their own medicine. “Hey, look what my Mom said about her gallbladder! Omg you won’t believe how I’m planning to organize my sock drawer! Aww, my dog is wagging his tail. Oh, he’s doing it again!!”
8. The Goobers-and-Popcorn Texter
The previews are over, you’ve been waiting to see this movie for weeks, and here you finally are, snacks in hand. But the guy in front of you insists on ruining your experience by texting for the entire 96 minutes. Here’s a little secret he doesn’t know: EVERYONE sees his phone lighting up. And hears it vibrating violently every two minutes. When the lights come up at the end of the flick, call up a friend and loudly discuss how rude the guy texting throughout the entire movie was. Then get ready to start running.
9. The Lingering K
This one is especially aggravating if you’re not on an unlimited texting plan. You get a message asking how your day went or if you’ll be free at a certain time, so you send back a detailed and informative reply. Your phone dings again. You open the message and it says...“k.” Do people not even have the decency to include the o? The offender doesn’t even need to reply to the message. But if they feel the need to, could they not at least drum up something a little more personal/creative/not totally unnecessary? Respond by letting them know how much, to the cent, they owe you for superfluous texts the next time you’re together. Then hold your palm out expectantly.
10. The Needs-to-Grow-a-Pair Texter
Guys should never, ever get comfortable with using text slang and abbreviations. Whether he’s a friend, date, or boyfriend, no girl wants to associate the men in their lives with tween-speak. The next time he sends you a “TTY L8ER” or “C U 2morrow,” tell him that he should really consider an iPhone, BlackBerry, Sidekick, or “anything that gives you more room to text.” He’ll realize how outdated his text-talk is.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
My feelings are this: tampons are something you know you need EVERY month at the same time... why can't you just surplus them jawns? LOL... you are going to need them EVERY MONTH... they can't go bad (can they?) so it's not like you have to worry about them spoiling... and it's not even that guys are embarrassed to buy them... it's that a woman will be out all day long shopping and buying God knows what... but will send me out at 11 PM to get some damn pads... are you serious right now? You didn't think to buy these jawns all day long but now all of a sudden you not only need them, but need ME to go get them...
So for me, it's not an embarrassment thing... it's just one of those little annoyances... just like when your girl "needs" to talk to you during Monday Night Football... it's simply an inopportune time...
Monday, November 9, 2009
Trey Songz - I Invented Sex
Eh... Quett thinks it's overly explicit but I just feel like it's your average R&B jawn... no nudity? Pshhhhhhhhh...
Friday, November 6, 2009
adidas is Full of Shit...

Let me say this:
I rest my case.
UCF do the smart thing... holla at MJ for an endorsement deal and continue to make adidas look silly with their ridiculous three-striped sneakers... fuckin' adidas... get outta here...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Pretty Feet
That being said, I don't have a major foot fetish... in fact, I really don't even understand foot fetishes... I was on NT a while back and there was a whole post dedicated to women with nice feet... and dudes were buggin' out like a chick had just flashed her cakes or something... I didn't understand it... and still don't...
Now don't get it misunderstood... I love a woman who takes care of her feet... I certainly don't want them looking like mine... I feel like since women are more apt to wear their feet out in sandals and such, their feet should look the part... (now if you keep your feet in sneakers and Timbs like your favorite blogger, that's still no excuse for your feet to be looking like Harriett Tubman's after a midnight stroll along the Underground Railroad... but I digress...)
All that being said... Kim Kardashian has some pretty ass feet!

Ladies, take heed... your feet should look like this...
I Don't Usually Mess with Soccer... But THIS is the Dopest Celebration I Have Ever Seen...
My dude scored a goal, ran OFF the field, went into the stands and clapped for his own goal? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? That's bananas... LOL... he got Ochocinco and T.O. beat with that one...
Now It All Makes Sense...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Keyshia Cole Mama Was on Judge Mathis?!
I feel so bad for Frankie sometimes because I don't think she goes out of her way to make herself look crazy but at some point, you just gotta be grown enough to sit your ass down somewhere...
Jay-Z Judges a Sorry-Ass Rap Battle...
Whether she was freestyling or not, she was terrible... the dude was decent though...