Thursday, November 12, 2009

This Shit is Corny...

If you can't tell by now, I'm a hood dude... born and raised on a block that's known for crack sales, gun violence, et cetera, et cetera... however, one thing I am not is a fucking hoodRAT (yes the term applies to men as well...) and I generally don't have anything against hoodRATS simply because for the most part, they don't know any better...

Which brings me to the video above... at what point do hoodRAT things become a thing of the past? With me, I think it's 17... when you can be legally charged for dumb shit is when you should stop doing it... the last time I got in a fight, I was 16 years old... this dude had been talking wild reckless to this girl I was tryna smash so I had to go upside his head... that's neither here nor there... the point I'm making is, after your 18th birthday, there's no excuse for fighting somebody you don't know... especially out in public... I mean what is the point? What could a person you don't know POSSIBLY do or say to you that you'll continue to fight them after the police has shown up? And not to be sexist, but it's usually females that are dealing in this type of behavior... and I just don't understand the point...

And don't get me wrong, I'm still a man... so I love a good chick fight... LOL... but I'm just sayin'...

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