Why do females get in a dude's face, asking, BEGGING to be hit but when the dude does it, that's when she wants to get mad and people talk about how wrong he is? Now, like I've said many times before, I don't condone domestic abuse... if a guy comes home and beats his wife/girl everyday when she hasn't done anything wrong, then that's a problem and he should have his ass whupped mercilessly... HOWEVER, I want women to stop acting like they had NO INFLUENCE WHATSOEVER when a man decided to just haul off and hit your ass (back) one day... and I already know the looks and comments I'm going to get from people on this particular post but in my eyes, the female started it... she threw the first punch... now did homie have to slam her? Of course not... but let's be honest, dude could've done way more damage if he really wanted to...
My point is this: your words have way more power than you think... asking somebody to hit you while invading their personal space and maintaining an air of ignorance and general hoodRAT fuckery is an assured way to get knocked on your ass... stop acting so innocent and like you didn't do or say anything that warranted a dude going Money Mayweather on your temples...
And I'm not gonna act like dude wasn't in the wrong because he was... but that's only because he struck another human being... not because he struck a woman... nobody should ever hit anybody but if somebody puts hands on you, whether male, female or animal, their rights to a non-violent confrontation are no longer valid... period... so if you don't want somebody to practice UFC moves on you, keep your level of ignorance to a minimum...
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4 hours ago
I felt my IQ lower as I watched this video... I have NO idea what was said so my only hope was the albino man that occasionally popped up, this hope was shattered when I realized he was just as ignorant...but um, yeah... They were both wrong when turning it physical, I feel the camera man should have stopped it a tad earlier than that.