By now, I'm sure you've heard about this whole Hofstra situation... for those who haven't, basically, this chick said she got tied up in a bathroom at a party by these two guys who raped her and then three others came into rape her as well... three days later, it turned out to be false... these types of stories irritate me simply because I hear them all too often...
Rape is a serious crime, B... I know of too many friends who've been raped and seen how it's affected them emotionally... so when some hood booger decides to let a dude (or a bunch of dudes) smash only to call "rape" later on, it fucking pisses me off... why can't you just own up to the fact that you've been a smut? I mean, it's sad that whenever I hear a report on the news of a woman getting raped, I automatically think that "she's probably making that shit up..." and it's only because I hear too many stories just like this one... chick lets the whole defensive line beat her guts and then when she realizes what people are going to think of her, she calls rape... and I'm STILL pissed about my homie's cousin that's STILL in jail because this girl's parents caught them fucking and so she wouldn't get in trouble, she decided to yell rape and now he's locked up for some bullshit...
And along the same lines... you, young, fast-ass girls thats like 15 and 16 but look 23, stop lying about your fucking age... all you're doing is making trouble for a nigga who thinks he's fucking a grown woman (I'm not saying this is ALWAYS the case but we ALLLLLLLL know of some little fast-ass teenager who lies about her age to get older dudes...)
This whole situation is incredibly lame... and it also makes it that much harder to prove when a woman actually is raped... and though it may not seem like it, this is my major problem with it... I just want women to be honest when it comes to these types of activities... so a) if you don't want to be labeled a smut, don't let a dude, his best friend, his cousin, three of his uncles and a random homeless man smash all at the same time... b) if you're going to let them do that, then don't call rape later on, thinking it lets you save face... and c) I hope when the truth comes to light, that his sisters and female relatives beat the brakes off that ass...
I'm just sayin'...
When I was in high school, this chick snuck and went to the senior trip. Everyone who went had to get permission slips and she knew her mother was going to tell her no. Anyway, she got tipsy and ended up having sex with her boyfriend on the trip...got far too inebriated and ended up having sex with some of his teammates (football) and his friends. Of course, high school guys are gonna brag on running a train so when word got out, she stated that it was all a rape situation. A ton of guys (including her boyfriend) were at risk of losing their scholarships to college and those who didn't play sports that ran through her were at risk of going to jail for a long time.
ReplyDeleteGranted she was drunk but 1) she wasn't supposed to be there and 2) she only said it was rape when other people at school found out what had happened.
Unfortunate event? Of course. Could it have been prevented on her part? Hell yes. Should she make others pay for her foolishness? F*ck no.
She lost most of her friends because she tried to get them to go along with her on the "rape" allegation...just makes no sense. If you're a hoe and someone finds out, just admit that shat and keep it moving.
@Assertive Wit, see, that's the type of situation that's going to turn into a "boy-that-cried-wolf" situation if things like that keep happening... and because young girls throw it around so frequently (for example, I remember when I was in HS, if a girl was horseplaying with a guy and he got the best of her, she'd yell out "rape!" and of course the guy's gonna stop... but I digress) it's going to get to the point where people will stop believing a woman who really did get raped... and to me, that's the real victims here... I'm just glad the details came out before they had to do any real time because I could just see how 10 years from now, she finally breaks down and admits it and now you've got five lives ruined because she didn't want to admit to having the trizzy ran on her...