this is how love affairs start, the place that housed my life for so long
becoming doll-sized, smaller and smaller before disappearing altogether as
the ...
5 Lessons Learned From Reality Dating Shows
As a Certified Relationship Coach, I easily get caught up in reality TV
when the focus is on love, dating, and marriage. Lessons learned from
dating show...
117 days. That's how long since my last W and yesterday's @copdate
@35thnorth hit. Please tell me there is an easier way!
#ChristmasMiracle #NikeSB #NT
The Chipped Heart
Anyone who knows me, knows l how much I love my husband, Tom. He’s a good
man with a good heart. He’s kind, loving and a caring man. He has battled ...
Stress Relief
My cousin, Mia, introduced me to my obsession a few years ago: Blue Zones.
Blue Zones "BZ" are places where folks live long and healthy lives. *I literally...
Obat Ambeien Alami Yang Manjur
Wasir atau ambeien (BAB berdarah) adalah penyakit dimana dibibir anus
mengalami pembengkakan, bila sudah parah atau stadium atas penderita sering
kali kel...
Nike Air Max 1 “KAWS” Custom
Nike Air Max 1 “KAWS” Custom for @tuned_air_max_1. These were made to
resemble the Air Max 90 Current Premium that @kaws dropped in 2008.
Spring Technology Showcase (BDPA Huntsville)
Jason Bradshaw is the VP-Membership Management for BDPA Huntsville Chapter.
He recently wrote,
*"On a beautiful Saturday mo...
Nike Air Max 93 Returns in OG "Flame Red"
The Nike Air Max 93 “Flame Red” is available now at select international
Swoosh retailers such as Suppa for €145 EUR, including tax (approximately
When we partnered with adidas about 3 years ago, we signed on as
consultants and storytellers for their new line of apparel – adidas
Athletics. What drew ...
Apply and check Voter ID status online
Voter ID card remains an important document for every Indian citizen; it is
expected of an Indian citizen to have a registered voter ID card. The
Spy (2015)
Download Full Spy in Best LookNow you can enjoy Spy in best look with
duration 120 Min and was published in 2015-06-05 and MPAA rating is 1075.
- *Ori...
Happy Kiddies
Happy Kiddies is a cute Blogger template for mommies who want to start a
new blog. This blog design can be perfect for those who love to share
anything abo...
Hot Pursuit (2015)
Release Hot Pursuit in HD QualityNow you can play full Hot Pursuit in top
quality with duration 87 Min and was released on 2015-05-08 and MPAA rating
is 1...
A Second Chance for Wild Chives and Soy Bean Soup
I started this show without having much expectation, but since I liked Nam
Goong Min from "Can you Hear my heart?", I looked for another show with him
in i...
Writing Prompts by Yours Truly
There are things that I do everyday but a lot of them weren’t restricted to
a specific block of time. This becomes quite a headache when something ends
Cartier Swiss Made
Of course, all the cartier swiss made and decide which one will suit you
the cartier swiss made are the cartier swiss made a long history, which got
the ...
Look at Me! Look at Me...The Ugly Side of Social
I'm a man, a father, a husband. In that order. Not by priority, but
chronology. There was a time I really, really, really, really wanted to
succeed as a f...
Air Bound by Christine Feehan
For as far back as she can remember, Airiana Ridell has always been aware
of her extraordinary gift. She can intuit revealing and illuminating
'patterns' ...
Body Count
Just some pictures.
I straightened my hair after being 1 year post relaxer.
Won't be straightening it again til this time next year...
(this i...
Rihanna and Teyana Taylor Twitter Beef
*Seee!! TT was minding her own damned business juss her and Anita when....
RIRI posts on Instagram her male makeup artist dressed just lik eTeyanna
ABSTRACT CUSTOM TSHIRT- I did a lot of abstract based design tshirts
between 2005 to 2007. I wanted to try experimenting again.
Side slipping and stuff !
Tänään oli pienen tauon jälkeen jälleen vuorossa lentämistä, aiheena tällä
kertaa korkeuden vähentäminen!
Where Have I Been?
It is like I am on the other side of the world or something. Oh wait….I am
on the other side of the world! Follow along with our adventures HERE
New Book Unveiled! Our First 100 Days as Newlyweds
Dear 100-Day Family,
You were there with us from Day 1 when we first started this blog back in
2009. So we wanted you to be the first to know that…
…the b...
Crossing Borders
As the Johnny Walker Black on the rocks swished around in my mouth before
slipping down my throat, I wondered what she tasted like. As some of the
drink s...
Recent Photo Grids Done On My HTC Inspire....
[image: Image and video hosting by TinyPic]
Kobe 7 "Shark"
[image: Image and video hosting by TinyPic]
I just had the most ridiculous conversations of my life. On some I wish I
had a pistol right about now type of conversation.
Remember I told yall about my ...
News to Me: Serena Williams' Love Life
Maybe I'm the last to know that Common was involved with Serena Williams,
so forgive me for my late expression of disgust. There was a recent article
Jesus Wept....
Lord have mercy! What in the world is that????
A friend of mine graced my inbox with this dismal display. She got it from
some white dude trying to get...
Who’s To Blame?
I was catching up with my girl about this Non M*Factor aka The Situationwho
I stopped dating shortly before moving to NY. She told me something about
him t...
TheSartorialist.com RSS Feed
Hi guys,
Thanks so much for the feedback. It’s been great seeing the response and
really hearing about how people use the site.
One thing we’ve been getti...
Check out the new blog!
And also, check out my new project called Tied The NOT: When the honeymoon
is over:
all sorts of account weirdness lately. this is back. i'm obviously not
really back. deadlines. i wish i had more time to post here. If you've
given up on m...
07/30/10 - Friday
Shirt: Ralph Lauren / Belt: GAP/ Pants: Express
Patrolling the office kitchen, on the lookout for stray donuts.
Subscribe to Corporate Unis by Email
Final Post
Well, this is it! It is finally time to say goodbye to Blogger and The
Eclectic. But there is a bit of good news:
There will be brand new posts over on Kin...
I can’t bring myself to delete your number.
But I can’t bring myself to dial it.
In even greater distance and silence, I want you closer than before.
I trav...
I Don't Blog
Anymore ...
But something happened yesterday that I have to touch on.
The United States killed Osama Bin Laden. I found out from Diane Feinstein,
as I was...
Real Shit-
Who's going to be my beach buddy for the Summer?I'm talking about a
Southern California tour, not some punk-ass 2 hour play in the sand shit.I
want to go f...
ElSí - Nikes, Mikes (SneakerHead Anthem)
Something dope that y'all can relate to.[image: Official Artwork for my new
joint. ElSí - Nikes, Mikes Song in a min.]
follow her on twitter @_elSi
check o...
Teena Marie: A True Soul Music Icon - R.I.P.
When I received the news about the death of Teena Marie, I cried, cried,
cried and cried some more. Why? Why was I so impacted. For me, she
represents the ...
The past few months have been just a blur....
Times past, friendships last as long as the sun...
Been there done that.... is what I told him...
Don't need an...
I Remember the Time
I remember the times when it was just you and I
You were the guy that I loved to stand beside
While those girls walked past and rolled their eyes
The Boondocks "Fried Chicken Flu"
After a week off, the Boondocks returns with a new episode that was clever.
Titled the "Fried Chicken Flu" this episode, parodies the events that
GO Vikings GO!
*A few blogs ago I mention how I have so much free time since I have
graduated from college. Some ppl told me to get a 2nd job (but with this
economy- I ...
my new blog
with lots of encouragement from friends & strangers alike, i created a new
blog where i customize drink recipes according to ppl's favourite spirits.
i can...
i'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack!
oh gosh, i've been away for so long! i've missed you guys!
i decided to suspend my blog for a few months while i was in school and now
i'm DONE so i'm back...
Switching to [tumblr]
Hello beloved readers,
I have decided to switch my poetry blog over to tumblr. I will be taking a
couple weeks or so to transition my poetry from this site...
Next Stop For Eric Sosa: Philly
Sup people!!!
We started Eric Sosa's "One You" Tour with a bang at Format in Queens last
Wednesday. By all accounts, the event went extremely well and had ...
Been gone too long
I been gone to long but I have great news Blog! ECU's first Slam Team is
going to Boston next week to compete nationally at CUPSI at Emerson
College. We ar...
yes i'm bitter.
i like to look up random things about my neighborhood in my spare time, you
can never be too familiar with your surroundings and their history. this
The Cosby Show Porno
So i was bored out of my mind, contemplating pulling out the dildo and
pleasing myself to sleep, and came across the Cosby show porno. WHAT THA
FUCK? Here ...
A little something else...
...about me...
I have never had an orgasm from anyone other than myself. Seriously. The
only time I ever nutted in the entire 28 years I've been on this...
thank you thank you thank you!!
Thank you for everyone who participated and to those that came out to the
We will have pictures up soon. In the meanwhile, thanks for those who
Lust SIN
For some odd reason this song speaks sooooooooooooooooooo many volumes to
(sounds crazy, but it kinda talks to me) i guess from my life experiences i ...
»measurements &nd before pics.
»ok, so clealy, i love you guys enough to post these pics, lol. only cause
i hate taking pics of the pudge. lol. anywho. so yes i have a pudge, it has
Bo Knows
went out to corporate today to pick up these trainer sc's. i really like
how these came out. nike is doing a great job this year bringing back a lot
of the...
the results of a facebook stalk.
please. do not do as i do.
i facebook stalked prior to laying down.
i was feeling great today until my eyes rolled across the wrong words.
if i were illitera...
Back in the day.....
Me & my cousin John....
Im rocking the blue sweat suit, he's got the acid washed jeans and the OG
looney tunes shirt.
This was a good *20! YEARS* ago.........
The One
*Insecurity is not the blanket that keeps me warm at night.It was more like
infidelity that I found myself cuddling with becauseI was
its a calm monday nght - im bored, eating swedish fish & drinking
gingerale.... wondering..... why the hell do we do totally stupid things?
lets hold up a ...
It's been a long time...
Been off for a while...been waiting on my new camera and it just came in
today. The Canon Rebel EOS XTI. Still tryna get the hang of it though.
Here's some...
Once upon a dream, *in a land not so far away*, and a time much closer than
I care to admit, I hit up *my loving co-inhabitant* Beezy B about reviewing
lets start from the begenning...
hi my name is wayne and im just your average cool guy :D
i enjoy the Air Jordan VIII
and i listen to DOM Kennedy in the summer time
im back on my blogg...
I can dig this...but like you said, no socks = Mr. Rogers shit...can't even do it.