Wednesday, June 17, 2009



Ok, I'm just kidding... who the fuck cares about steroids in baseball? Why don't they just go ahead and make them a part of the game? Anybody who's any good seems to be on them anyway... steroids aren't going to make you see the ball any better or make you any faster... they just make you stronger... and in a non-contact sport like baseball or golf, I don't see the problem...
It'd be different if we were talking about football where you could have another situation like David Boston ...

This dude was like 270 playing wide receiver... he went from like 190 in college and got up to 270 at wideout and STILL ran a 4.2! That's fucking insane... he had no business being on a football field... in a contact sport like that, somebody who is that big AND runs that fast could fuck around and kill somebody... I used to play football at 275 and I wasn't anywhere near that fast and I was still hurting people... so football and hockey are about the only sports I think shouldn't have steroids OKed in their leagues (and basketball because, let's face it, the best players aren't big anyway with the exception of LBJ)

What would be the big deal in basetball? More home runs? Yeah, nobody wants to see that... LOL...

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