...so, of all things, I took a personality quiz... LOL... here are the results...
You Are An INFP: The Idealist
"You are a creative person with a great imagination."
(This goes without saying... I think my greatest quality, besides being overwhelmingly awesome in general, is my creativity...)
"You enjoy living in your own inner world."
(I daydream ALL FUCKING DAY LONG... it definitely is what gets me through the day... LOL... it seems to never stop... from the time I wake up to the time I fall asleep, my mind is always off in another world...)
"Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships."
(Definitely the truth... anyone will tell you, I'd rather not have you around, then have you in my life in a fucked up situation... it doesn't make any sense to do it otherwise, in my opinion...)
"It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close to you. But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop."
I agree to this with an addendum... I don't think anyone outside of a few people really know the WHOLE me... and that's only because I choose to keep myself at an arm's length with most people... some people know me as HW the Guy's Guy, some know me as HW the Writer, some as HW the Asshole, some as HW the Player/Manwhore, some as HW the Sweethearted Guy Who Just Wants to Be Loved, etc, etc... I just have too many layers to put myself out there for everyone to see... I've done it only a few times in my life and it's always ended up being a strain except in the cases of Christina and Nicole... but I will genuinely do anything for anybody in my circle if it will help them grow as a person...
"In love, you tend to have high (and often unrealistic) standards."
See 30 Qualities My Wife WILL Possess... even though, in my opinion, I don't feel any of those qualities are unrealistic... I do think as a whole, I generally view life a little unrealistically but I was always taught that if you always think about the things you know you can do, you'll never really try anything and will, in turn, always stay at the same level of mediocrity... you gotta dream big to live big... and in all honesty, despite our arguing, Nicole is pretty close to attaining all those qualities... she's one of the few women I can say that about...
"You are very sensitive. You tend to have intense feelings."
Pre-2008, I'd agree with this... but not as much anymore... there are a few things that I'm always going to be sensitive about but for the most part, I could give a fuck about feelings, emotions, etc.
"At work, you need to do something that expresses your personal values."
I definitely agree with this... I just love to express myself period (hence why I've had over 200 blogs this month... LOL) and when it comes to working, if I'm pigeon-holed into a little window where I can't express myself, I find it mundane and it usually induces some type of psychotic episode...
"You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist."
This goes without saying... LOL... these are actually things I've considered as careers (being a writer and an artist are not always lucrative however...) but I think my life will always be centered around these three areas...
"How you see yourself: Unselfish, empathetic, and spiritual."
These couldn't describe me better... I'm always empathetic but not always sympathetic... I have LONG conversations with God even though I'm not the best Christian and if you think I'm a selfish person then you simply haven't been paying attention...
"When other people don't get you, they see you as: Unrealistic, naive, and weak."
This is true also... people stay taking my kindness for weakness, thinking that I'm never going to accomplish anything I set out to do... can't wait to prove them wrong...
Now for the people that know me on a personal level, do you think this is accurate? Just curious...
Ya'll be easy...
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