Mondays always seem to be the longest day of the week... I swear... but in any event, decided to take the weekend off from blogging and put in some much needed time in other areas of my life... more on that later...
I can say, I'm glad I didn't air out someone on this blog because it would have been a grave mistake and I'm glad we're good again... I'm happy you forgave me for my earlier actions...
I am SLEEPY... I went to bed around 4 this morning for no reason at all... and I do this way too often... I stay up for no reason... not to do homework or caking on the phone... just random bullshit... like watching TV... lol... I'm wack... I did this health survey today for some cutie outside my English building and one of the questions was "how much sleep do you get a night?" and I replied "maybe five or six" she looked at me and with a dead serious look in her eye she said "Ummm... that's not a lot..." LOL... you think?
Ummm... I ate SOOOOOOO much junk food this weekend... it's not even gonna be journals for those because people would probably think I'm lying if I wrote it all out... LOL...
Ummmm... oh yeah, got a new phone the other day... it's nothing much, just a Sidekick... I'm kinda disappointed I can't put songs up there as ringtones but I guess that's how T-Mobile gets their loot by making you buy ringtones... I'm good... I'll just keep it on vibrate... LOL...
Ummmmm... I also copped some clothes this weekend... Nicole bought me the ATCQ Jordan 1s to my surprise and a pair of jeans... so I went and copped some polos to rock for the spring... I think I'm gonna rock nothing but bright colors this spring/summer... I usually just keep it gully with a tee but I think I'ma try and keep it a little flashy this time around...
UNC lost on Saturday to Maryland... don't even get me started on that shit...
Quett is OFFICIALLY moving to Raleigh and I couldn't be more excited... I hope she gets to HGTV the crib so that I feel comfortable when I come through... LOL... congrats on the new spot, Ms. Ingram...
I finally figured out how to do supers and ultras on SFIV but I'm still losing on a consistent basis... LOL... maybe, I should just give up...
Two more weeks until Spring Break!!! I can't wait...
Ya'll be easy...
How NBA Star AIlen Iverson Blew His Riches, But This One Hidden Miracle
Kept His Bag Flowing
During his peak in the early 2000s, Allen Iverson was one of the most
popular and influential athletes in American sports. Almost singlehandedly,
he brou...
1 hour ago
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