Monday, January 4, 2010
We've Come to the End of the Road...
I know, I know, I know... I've been slacking in a major way... ya'll have every right to feel that way but allow me to explain...
I went on a vacation out of town for the first time in a good five years and even though I had my computer with me, I made it a point to limit my internet access so I could enjoy the time with the fam... the plan as to come back home and then blog it out for the rest of the year but of course, that didn't happen either as I've been spending most of my time finishing up my script for the movie (which is coming together quite nicely...)
So today, a week before the new website launch, seemed like the best day to put up the final entry of Where the World Goes When I Close My Eyes... the new website will become available on January 11th as you all know and it's going to be a lot different from this one but will still possess on the general fuckery of this blog so don't worry about me going too far left with it... it's been a blast fam... hope to see you next week!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
How to Cheat on Your Girlfriend
How To Cheat on Your Girlfriend from Langston Shaw on Vimeo.
Saw this over on Vimeo and it was actually pretty interesting and honest... it caught my eye because I actually wrote a poem by the same title a few years back and wanted to make sure niggas hadn't ripped my shit off (if you're wondering, they didn't... LOL) if you've got the attention span, peep the flick (it's 20 minutes)
What's Good Blogfam?
2010 is going to be a big year for your boy... I've always been the creative type and I always figured that, somehow, I'd end up doing something creative as a way to make money... thus far it hasn't been very lucrative but I think that can be attributed to the fact that I haven't gone in 100% with it... I mean, for the most part it's just been half-thoughtout concepts for movies, books and clothing... and even though I know I have the talent to go the traditional route, the odds of getting hired to do one of the three is so small window and most will try to pigeonhole your creativity, ideas, etc and I'm not really down with that... so, for 2010, I'm saying "fuck it..." and I'm going to do all three on my own terms... independently... why wait for somebody to come along and let me do it when I can just go and do it myself? So, that being said, here's what you have to look forward to in 2010:
Mid-March to Early-April: the book
April 15th: the clothing line
Early Fall: the movie
Of course the new website debuts on 01.11.10 (my 25th birthday if you're unfamiliar) and some other big things will be coming to fruition in the new year... I already appreciate the support I know I'll be receiving and I'll be having some major deals for the blogfam when the time comes... I'm outtttttttttttt!!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Brian Kelly, You'z a Bitch-Ass Nigga...
Enter Brian Kelly

First off, stop slurping Notre Dame... this shit has seriously gone on long enough... it's the equivalent of North Carolina going through ten mediocre seasons but everybody's constantly trying to coach there... how far and for how long can prestige carry you amidst mediocrity? I just don't get it...
Secondly, STOP HIRING COACHES UNTIL THE FUCKING SEASON'S OVER... too often, a team will fire it's coach and then have this mad dash to hire another one like all the good ones are gonna be gone in the time between the regular season ending and the bowls coming to conclusion... we're talking about three weeks... THREE FUCKING WEEKS... I mean, have some tact... it's one thing to leave your school to coach elsewhere especially when you consider it a promotion... however, it's quite another to leave your school while the season is still going on and disregard them like a stepchild simply because some second-tier team asks you to... it's disloyal like a motherfucker... it's like dating a girl who cleans you up, helps you fix your credit, pays for you to get through school and then you drop her for the first big butt in a skirt a month before you get married... that shit is ALL the way fucked up...
Brian Kelly, you're a bitch, real talk...
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
New iD Cleats for the Upcoming Season
In all the hoopla of graduating, I almost forgot the season starts in like three months... I gotta get in playing shape... I'm thinking about getting at least two of these (home and away) but I would definitely welcome a third if my gwap was right... jawns are $140 a piece...
Timbaland feat. Drake - "Say Something"
That beat is so hypnotic, B... been waiting for this jawn for a minute and it wasn't too bad... shorty in the video is ridic...
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
LOL... maybe it's just me and my perverted mind... I guarantee you she says some wild shit though...
"Don't Let Triflin' Women Change Who You Are..."
Ok, where do I begin with this one...? If you were uncertain at all, let me reassure you that I am a good man when it comes to relationships... I cook, I clean, I rub feet, I'm not disrespectful, I try my best not to start arguments over little dumb shit, I do whatever I can do (read: "in my means") to make my woman happy... and most importantly, I'm honest about my flaws...
Enter this lady here... ungrateful... and it's not like this is my first encounter with this type of chick because it's not... I remember dealing with one particular situation back in 04 where I was talking to this chick... and she basically told me that her ex used to hit on her, used to cheat on her, wasn't working, wasn't in school, wasn't trying to do for her... now, me being the man that I am, told her that I was willing to do whatever it took to keep a smile on her face... this wasn't some bullshit to get some ass or anything like that... I genuinely liked this girl... six months go by and things are going ok... we're chillin'... never really arguing and she sees that I'm doing all the things that I said I would... that's when it happens, her ex calls and tells her he wants another try... without even thinking about it, she says yes... then proceeds to call me months later and tell me that they're getting married and she's pregnant by this dude and she's so happy (yeah, like I wanted to hear that shit...) and the same thing just kept happening to me throughout other relationships in the following years and it really had me thinking "should I just be a fucking asshole to keep these women happy? Because whatever I'm doing isn't working..."
These are the things I don't understand about women... I have friends who will KNOW that a dude is no good for her but will stand by him through whatever... he cheated on you so you start doing all the freaky things that you're sure he's getting from the other chick on the side so he won't feel the need to deal with her anymore... he doesn't work but you buy him all types of shit and say not to worry, you'll hold him down... he doesn't cook or clean but you're making this dude five-course meals AND cleaning up the kitchen afterwards while he sits on the couch playing PS3 and IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE...
Meanwhile, you have a good dude somewhere in your midst... you might work with him, he might be a friend you've known for a while, just might be somebody you went to high school with that you've reconnected with... he does everything a good man is supposed to do... pays his own bills, takes care of his kids (if he has them), goes to work EVERYDAY, has several degrees in whatever field he's in and still has the potential to be even greater than he already is... he's always been polite with you and will bend over backwards just to see that you're taken care of, no matter the situation... however, this guy can't get a chance with you because you're still waiting for the "real" him to come out... and this doesn't make any sense...
Ladies, listen... there are GOOD MEN out there... let me repeat it for the hard of hearing and partially blind: THERE ARE GOOD MEN OUT THERE... you keep ignoring us (well not me, because me and Nicole are still together despite the bullshit... LOL) and it's not fair... stop assuming that every man out there who appears to be a good man isn't... there are some genuine good men out there who would love nothing better than to be everything you want and need out of a relationship... but you're jeopardizing your own happiness by talking and acting crazy...
Me and Darren are always talking about relationships and one thing that keeps coming up is a woman's ungratefulness... it seems that a woman would rather complain about what she has instead of simply just leaving and going towards something greater... (NOTE: this is not to say that a woman shouldn't work for her relationship... I'm not saying that at all... but if, day in and day out, you're complaining about your man's bullshit whether it be his laziness, unwillingness to work, physical or mental abuse, there is NO need at all to fight for this relationship... there is NO purpose at all...)
And I know I've touched on this subject before but women are simply not getting it... I get more texts/calls about a man fucking up than anything else... with the exception of Tunisha (who has gotten her a good man just like I hoped she would) I can't think of too many of my women friends who can talk about one good man they've dealt with all year long and that's fucking depressing... however, I wonder how many of these women are bringing it on themselves by dealing with fucking losers instead of dealing with a good dude...
The bottom line is this: women like the chick in this video are on my fucking nerves... don't expect sympathy from me if you continue to deal with a dude you know is no good... you have no one to blame but yourself! If you know of a good dude and you think that you can make a relationship work with him (because not all good dudes are compatible with every good woman) then hop on that nigga (figuratively not literally... even though that might be a way to go) because if you don't, a smarter, probably more attractive woman will... and that's real fucking talk... before you go on talking about how there are no good men and that you keep dating losers... ask yourself why that is... are you simply putting up with a man just so you can say you have one or do you genuinely see potential in him? If it's the former, then L-E-A-V-E immediately... If it's the latter, by all means, deal with his no-good ass until he turns into something... but don't be surprised if it doesn't happen...
To my good dudes out there, just like the judge said towards the end: "don't let triflin' women change who you are..." Ya'll be easy...
Monday, December 7, 2009
My Dude is Getting It In!!!
I was over at The Industry Shakedown and I came across this video... two minutes of extra hilariousness...