I love how whenever there's a fight in football or basketball (read: black sports *ahem*) it's always they're animals and they have no sense of sportsmanship and all this other shit, but let a white dude slam another white dude into some fucking ice and white people cheer and laugh and talk about how great it was... (never mind the fact that the dude could've been dead after that shit... duke didn't even fucking move at first...) I'm not saying they should add fighting in football and basketball, I just think its interesting that it's ok in one aggressive sport (that just HAPPENS to feature a mostly white audience and mostly white players) but in other sports, it's a "travesty" LOL...
How NBA Star AIlen Iverson Blew His Riches, But This One Hidden Miracle
Kept His Bag Flowing
During his peak in the early 2000s, Allen Iverson was one of the most
popular and influential athletes in American sports. Almost singlehandedly,
he brou...
1 hour ago
omgggg this is entirely too true it should be posted everywhere