I've had a revelation... for the first time ever in my life, cheating makes sense to me... you're reading that right... for the first time ever, I actually understand what would compel a person in a completely happy relationship to risk it all by fucking it away on some random piece of ass... it actually came to me in the form of a movie...
The movie is Why Did I Get Married... a Tyler Perry flick... I haven't finished the movie (I saw a good 45 minutes at Nicole's aunt's house but we left before the ending) and I still feel like I've gotten a good sense of what the movie is about... there's one part where a character mentions something to the affect of "Marriage is all about the 80/20 ratio... in most marriages, your significant other will give you 80% of everything you need out of a wife... that being said, when you're missing that 20% and you see someone who possesses it, it makes that 20% that much more appealing... but if your wife finds out, you've just lost 80% for that 20% you thought you needed..." Now of course, I'm paraphrasing but hopefully you get the gist of it... this is what made me understand cheating...
Too often people never seem to be happy with what they have and are always looking towards what they feel is entitled to them... when you consider that no one on this earth is perfect, it's easy to see why a person would cheat... if your wife is giving you 80% of what you need and there's another chick who's willing to give you that other 20%, that's 100% of what you need... so if you have a good woman who's beautiful, smart, successful, cooks for you, loves you despite all your bullshit but won't suck your dick to save her life... buuuuuuuuuuuut her friend will gladly suck the skin off that thang, you have everything you need... to some, it's necessary to get that 100% no matter the risk... for others (like me) you can deal with not having that 20%...
So after discovering this gem of sorts, it made me wonder... am I someone's 80%? It seems that I am... I haven't asked Nicole if I was hers but I'm going to assume that I am since we're talking about moving in together, marriage, kids, etc... but it made me think back to when I was dating my exes... did THEY think I was their 80%? Do they now? It's not like I'm wondering that because I want them or anything like that but I just wonder if it was a case of where I was their 80% and they chose to leave for a 20% nigga... or if I was just never an 80% dude to begin with... I guess only they can answer that...
I guess it really doesn't matter in the end because I am who I am and for the most part I'm happy with myself... I understand the kind of person I am and a large part of me is on some "if you don't like me, too fucking bad" type shit... I can only be me, B... LOL...
"Hate it or love it, the underdog's on top..." (c) The Game
Let it also be noted that just because you're someone's 80% it doesn't necessarily mean that you'll be everyone's... different people value different things... some people might see financial stability as a 40% thing while others might see it as just 5%... I think if I had to break it down for myself... it would be 25% attractiveness, 30% personality, 15% potential and 30% compatibility... now that's just for me... your numbers might be a little different and you might have more or less categories but I think that's what works best for me...
Ok... I'm done on my random rant... LOL...
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5 hours ago
I guess I can somewhat answer your question. You were my 80% but I left you for another 80%; I hope that makes sense.