Why do so many women have such an inflated ego? I mean, if you're fly, cool... be fly... but
what's the point of being fly if you have to constantly remind people how fly you are? Then there are so many women who AREN'T fly but act like their pussy cures cancer, AIDS, swine flu and athlete's foot... where is this shit coming from? Believe it or not, a lot of dudes are insecure about a lot of things... and if they come at you a certain way, it's only because they know that women love guys who exude confidence... but
I've met waaaaaaaaaaay more stuck-up chicks than I have stuck-up dudes... I guess I don't understand the purpose of not being humble... because the bottom line is all the things that make you fly, rich, pretty, etc. can be taken away from you in an instant...
so why not appreciate your attributes without being a dickhead about it?
I'm just sayin'...
That sounds typical...coming from a man...
ReplyDeleteIts been drilled in my head that im supposed to always have an "air of confidence" about my self...and when you meet a guy who may or may not be trying to get in your panties, its just soooo much easier to just do whats natural and save yourself the dissapointment and heartache later on down the road...Who has time to think...oh wow...lemme slow down a sec and think..."maybe this guy has confidence issues, and would really be interested in talking to me..." right?? WRONG!!!!!
It's not even when it comes to a dude... they'll act that way just in general conversation... being stuck up and having "an air of confidence" are vastly different... different like bacon and Spam... technically from the same animal but one comes in a can and one is bacon...
ReplyDeleteThank you! I was writing a blog about this the other day and got distracted but I HATE when people act like this. I will stop reading a blog if I see something like this:
ReplyDelete"I know that I am beautiful, have a bangin body, fantastic hair, and a wonderful smile because every time I go somewhere I am complimented on these things"
Really? You know that because people tell you? All that says is your confidence is tied up in how often people compliment you. I bet a person like that can't go a day w/o a compliment...they probably think they're hideous if no one tells them they are attractive...which is a key indicator that you aren't as fly as you "believe" yourself to be LOL
I completely agree... I know too many people like this... I mean, I understand it's nice to get a compliment but if nobody says I'm funny or smart or handsome today, I'm not gonna get self-conscious and start thinking I'm not any of those things... I just don't get people's obsessions with other people's thoughts...