Friday, September 18, 2009

Double-You-Tee-Eff #96

I'm kind've speechless on this one... I mean... like... I can't imagine a dude just walks into prison and some dude comes up to him like "yeah, you know I'm getting them cakes right?" and he won't say anything... LOL... I mean, I've never been to prison and don't plan on going but if I were to go, I can't imagine just accepting the fact that I'm about to get ass-raped... LOL... but in any event, I'm only posting this because dude said booty like 46 times in three minutes...


  1. I'd drop my jaw in shock, but I'm afraid he'll come out of nowhere and try to shove his dick in it...

  2. @RB, LOL that dude was something else...
