Monday, March 16, 2009

Niggas With Mohawks...

Just stop it... you look foolish as hell, my dude...

...if you're not this guy...

...just stop it...


  1. My nigga Futuristic Leland doesn't follow the rules for this year. He's so futuristic he doesn't even brush his hair...

  2. You gotta stop saying nigga :0

  3. shut the fuck whoever you are.It's plainly obvious that you are a low life stuck up bitch. Who has no intention but to hate on black men with mohawks.

  4. fuck u man fuckin racist everybody look fuckin stupid with mohawks if u ask me and say nigga one mo time, imma bust you in yo ass.

  5. LOL... I'm racist because I'm saying niggas with mohawks look ridiculous... I'm black you dumb ass... "imma bust you in yo ass" LMAO Riiiiiiiiiiight... I'm overly concerned...

  6. The second guys is epic stop hating

  7. Man the mohawk is the shit! I been rockin different types for the past 5 years and its fresh! Especially on Us black people:)
    Holla FOX

  8. So mister Hard Work do you approve of Flattop or dreadlocks ? What is your excuse anyway ? Or is it because white people wear mohawks too ? They also don pants should we chuck them too ? Fuck you ho 4 tryin keep niggaz stereotyped.

  9. Real shit if its yo style roc it fucc the bullshit

  10. lol stop crying racist that shit is so old and played out
    you monkeys make asses out of yourselves all the time and cry racist whenever something annoys you or doesnt go your way
    blacks as a race cannot deal with frustration thats why your so fucking violent

  11. yeah prick shut your fucking mouth prick, a mohawk is a style for anyone so shut your dry mouth. And quick using the "N" word
